Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Wearable Technology. A Game Changer

A month after CES 2015 in Las Vegas and one topic keeps popping up everywhere: Wearable Technology.  The wearable technology market is set be a game changer especially the fitness wearable.  As the various newsletters and emails are delivered to in boxes every morning the topic of “fitness wearables” can be found.  I cannot get away from hearing about all the different types of products out there that can help one lose weight, track runs and get healthier.  The various wearable fitness products are set to change the workout world much like the waffle running show did for runners in the early 80s.

After years of portions getting bigger, there are now various products that will track calories consumed and calories burned to help society get smaller.   No longer tied to the gym.  Customers now can have fitness socks to track runs to calculate elements that can be improved.  Smartwatches are equipped with the necessary programs to track steps, calories, sit-ups – an entire gallery of items to burn that extra drink or dessert from the night before.  In short – No. More. Excuses.  That’s right!  Technology is taking away the excuses we tell ourselves for not getting in shape.  No longer can we say “I do not have time to figure out what I am doing wrong.”  Or ‘Who has time to track my work out?”  Technology can now do all tracking to help one be successful in becoming healthier. 

The one question that still remains – will we, as a society, get healthier with all support from wearables?  Will the old “I will get healthier for the New Year” resolution be kept more in 2015 than previous years because of this new technology?  If the fitness wearable is as revolutionary as the waffle running shoe, then the answer will be a resounding YES!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Top Ten Things Learned at ISE 2015

In a few hours our staff is flying back from Amsterdam after exhibiting at the Integrated System Europe Show.  Unfortunately I did not attend this show but I was in hourly communication with the staff to say informed and engaged on social media.  Trying to cover a show while not being at the show was a challenge and sometimes humorous.

Here is a list of the top ten things I learned from ISE 2015 while not attending:

  1. Brent, when tired uses Ethereal Home Theater, the former name of Metra Home Theater Group in a rAVe Pubs video.
  2. Demonstration videos create booth traffic
  3. Make note of time difference when texting staff in Amsterdam, sorry guys.
  4. ISE attendance has exploded
  5. ISE is the fastest growing and best attended AV show in the industry
  6. The show next year will be 4 days instead of 3.
  7. ISE2015 was a parade of innovative projectors, displays, video walls and 4K everything.
  8. If we want an eye catching booth for ISE 2015, we need holograms and videos.
  9. 99% of the crowd know exactly what they do and what they need
  10. The Marketing Director should attend next year!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Our Staff - The Best Reason to Follow this Blog

To be relevant today in the electronic industry one must be online. By online, I mean online on all of the relevant platforms.  How do you determine which platforms are relevant?  Well, as the new (and first) Marketing Director at Metra Home Theater Group I started using the platforms I used personally.  With that being said, it’s easy to get overwhelmed if you don’t start with a strategy.  I have pared down this list and decided to start with a blog for Metra Home Theater Group with the goal of giving our customers more information that they can use in their businesses.

Now, blogs have to be interesting and current to obtain followers.  Luckily for me, I have a writer’s gold mine at my disposal because I get to work with all of the colorful characters here at Metra Home Theater Group.  I mean this in the nicest possible way.  The staff of our home theater division is the hardest working, most intelligent and eclectic group of people. Thanks to their amazing knowledge base, I never know what subject will be the topic for the day, and thanks to their sense of humor the topics are also not guaranteed to be politically correct.  While our friendly conversations are not the domain of human resources, they are often very helpful to learn from each other and help translate what Metra does to our customers.  It was during one of these conversations that the idea occurred to me that I needed to do a blog for Metra Home Theater Group.  I’m very happy that I have the opportunity to sprinkle in the characters of MHTG with the business information.  We are a highly entertaining group and I think our customers whole heartedly agree. 

The Metra Home Theater Staff at CEDIA 2014
I plan for the blog to be informative and entertaining for my followers.  In addition to the latest in product development, this blog will star the hard working staff of Metra Home Theater Group.  Have my blog posts emailed directly to your in-box so you can read all about the fun group in Holly Hill, Florida!  Because where else will you find the technical director of 4k HDMI and the CFO discussing the death museum in California?

Friday, February 6, 2015

ISE 2015

Our staff leaves this weekend for the ISE show in Amsterdam, NL.  Put our booth # 7-R165 on your schedule.