Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Our Staff - The Best Reason to Follow this Blog

To be relevant today in the electronic industry one must be online. By online, I mean online on all of the relevant platforms.  How do you determine which platforms are relevant?  Well, as the new (and first) Marketing Director at Metra Home Theater Group I started using the platforms I used personally.  With that being said, it’s easy to get overwhelmed if you don’t start with a strategy.  I have pared down this list and decided to start with a blog for Metra Home Theater Group with the goal of giving our customers more information that they can use in their businesses.

Now, blogs have to be interesting and current to obtain followers.  Luckily for me, I have a writer’s gold mine at my disposal because I get to work with all of the colorful characters here at Metra Home Theater Group.  I mean this in the nicest possible way.  The staff of our home theater division is the hardest working, most intelligent and eclectic group of people. Thanks to their amazing knowledge base, I never know what subject will be the topic for the day, and thanks to their sense of humor the topics are also not guaranteed to be politically correct.  While our friendly conversations are not the domain of human resources, they are often very helpful to learn from each other and help translate what Metra does to our customers.  It was during one of these conversations that the idea occurred to me that I needed to do a blog for Metra Home Theater Group.  I’m very happy that I have the opportunity to sprinkle in the characters of MHTG with the business information.  We are a highly entertaining group and I think our customers whole heartedly agree. 

The Metra Home Theater Staff at CEDIA 2014
I plan for the blog to be informative and entertaining for my followers.  In addition to the latest in product development, this blog will star the hard working staff of Metra Home Theater Group.  Have my blog posts emailed directly to your in-box so you can read all about the fun group in Holly Hill, Florida!  Because where else will you find the technical director of 4k HDMI and the CFO discussing the death museum in California?

1 comment:

  1. I have pared down this list and decided to start with a blog for Metra Home Theater Group with the goal of giving our customers more information that they can use in their businesses.Audio advisor
